Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Is this what happens to your Spanish?

Is this what's happening to your complaint letters in Spanish? Is this what they're doing to your tax papers because they don't understand the Spanish? Is it? Let TranslationHELP make it right. We can help you with anything related to your need for better Spanish, from hospital or lawyer visits, to dealing with the Town Hall or your neighbours, from writing a CV in the Spanish way, to making a crucial phone call, to dealing with your complaints (or praises, which would make a nice change). Call Alberto on 685 298 820 or 956 648 169, or pop in to see us at the office (Calle Romo 41), just round the corner from the Post Office in Jimena. Over 20 years' experience in Jimena are our guarantee. (Thanks to TioJimeno for the great illustration!)

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