Thursday 7 April 2011

Juan Carlos I visits 'Juan Carlos I'

ROTA (Agencies/Photo: EFE) King Juan Carlos was at the base in Rota to watch one of the country's latest battle ships go through ices before being launched. This one, which will become the largest ship in the Spanish Armada, is named after the king. Unfortunately, a heavy Levante wind initially prevented the ship from leaving port in the morning, but it was later able to sail close to shore. The ship is in the fourth of five phases of combat trials, during which the monarch, a keen sailor himself, was able to watch several exercises, including a simulated helicopter accident on deck and troops disemberking for an operation landside. This last simulation used 300 men and women, not only from the ship herself but also marines  based in San Fernando. The King toured the ship from top to bottom, although this is not the first time he sees her. Final trials for the 'Juan Carlos I' are scheduled for the end of May and it is expected that she will be combat ready by the end of September.

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