Friday 22 April 2011

What are you doing for lunch on Easter Sunday!

Okay, think of this: all that chocolate you're not supposed to be eating but can't resist, getting soaked searching for painted eggs among the debris in the garden ... all that aside from having had a skinful on Saturday night 'coz there wasn't anything much on the telly anyway ... do you still feel like cooking a special roast? The answer is: not. So instead of peeling spuds and carrots, finding the right roast at the butcher, swearing every time the knife slips ... why not book a superb alternative at OBA? Choose between turkey or lamb, with all the trimmings. Two courses, only €12.50; three, €15,00. But book now (665 353 717), because its getting crowded in there! Bar Oba, Calle Sevilla 18, Jimena de la Frontera. Click on pic for more info.

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