Wednesday 8 September 2010

Nine Campo de Gibraltar courts double hours to deal with backlog

CAMPO DE GIBRALTAR Civil servants at nine of the courts in the Campo de Gibraltar began working afternoon shifts on September 1st. The idea is for them to catch up with an enormous backlog of paperwork that has delayed proceedings for a very long time (and is but only one of many reasons for the snail pace of justice in the country. Ed.); therefore, no trials will be held in the afternoon. The local courts involved in a Plan that affects all courts in Andalucía, are: Primera Instancia número 1, 2 and 4 of Algeciras, Juzgado 1 de lo Social, mixed (i.e. civil and criminal) copurts 1 and 2 ofSan Roque, and mixed courts 1, 2 and 3 of La Línea, as well as some services common to all and based principally in Algeciras. The measure is expected to last until November 11.

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