Wednesday 23 February 2011

Are these definitions of 'turncoat'? Or throwing toys out of the pram? Or political shenanigans? You decide (because you vote)

TARIFA Just a month ago Cristóbal Iglesias (photo) was the organizational secretary for the PSOE in Tarifa, the Number 2 man of the local Socialists. He has just a few days ago been presented as the mayoral candidate for the ELA (Entidad Local Autónoma) in Facinas - on the PP ticket. He was not a happy man in Tarifa when his erstwhile party didn't give him what he wanted: near the top of the list and 'liberated' (he gets paid but gets to keep his daytime job). A clear case of a turncoat throwing his toys out of the pram. Another case, also in Tarifa (must be the blessed wind...): Juan Andrés Gil, 55, is very well known in the area. Of course he is, he's only been a mayoral candidate for a mere four parties: Partido Andalucista, Izquierda Unida, Tarifa Agrupación Independiente Popular (TAIP) and Partido Popular, whose list he now heads. (Note: the Spanish word for turncoat is tránsfuga.)

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