Wednesday 23 February 2011

Jimena and Castellar receive €115,902 from municipal employment plan

JIMENA/CASTELLAR (Press release/Photo: file) Some thirty mayors, among whom were those of Jimena, Castellar an Tarifa, recently subscribed to the 2nd Plan de Ayuda Municipal al Empleo with Diputación Provincial de Cádiz. This refers to the renewal of the first such plan that is still current. Jimena is to receive €83,331 in 2011, and Castellar €32,571. Thus, some 40 people will have employment under the plan, which starts next month. 80% of the amount will go to contracting workers, the remaining 20% to purchase of material needed for repair or rehabilitation of public roads and/or buildings. Castellar has employed 37 workers under the scheme, with two-month contracts for plumbers, albañiles, gardeners and painters.

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