Wednesday 23 February 2011

Two big hits against tobacco smugglers in two days

SAN ROQUE (Agencies) Guardia Civil units of the San Roque and Guadiaro stations detained two people earlier this week, charging them with contraband. At a routine spot-check on the A-7 towards Málaga, they stopped two vehicles, one behind the other. A first inspection revealed that the back seats were down and something was covered. Having had the drivers get out of the vehicles, they removed the sheets from both cars and found 5,440 ciggarrette packets in one car, and 5,500 in the other, a total of almost eleven thousand packets of various commercial brands. Both drivers, P. J. V. G. and M. V. R., of Málaga, were charged with contraband. Only a day before, the San Roque GC detained a man from Los Barrios who was transporting 8,800 packets in his van along the A-383. He was also charged with contraband.

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