Tuesday 5 April 2011

€64 millions- worth of roadworks in the area, pending

CAMPO DE GIBRALTAR (Agencies) The Junta de Andalucía has six major roadworks pending, of which Castellar and Jimena are supposedly the main beneficiaries. Part of the Plan de Mejora de la Accesibilidad, Seguridad Vial y Conservación (Accessibility, Road Safety and Conservation Improvement Plan) document includes widening the A-405 between Jimena and Castellar, to match that already carried out between Castellar and San Roque. The Más Cerca Plan ('Closer'), of which the other is part, is aimed at improving the roads inland all over Andalucía, of which three projects have been executed to a total of €31.61million, out of a total budget of €95.67million over a period that ends in 2013. That is only 33.04% of the total carried out, leaving the rest, as they say, pending. On being asked about the plan, the Junta referred us to the document itself, where it emerges that while the Campo de Gibraltar is not qualified as of 'low accessibility', other parts of the province are:>
the Sierra de Grazalema, Cortes de la Frontera and Ubrique. However, at the time the plan was approved, Jimena and Castellar were deemed in need of road improvement (a decision with which local drivers must wholeheartedly approve).

The A-405 is considered the backbone of access from the Campo to the interior, and Jimena and Castellar are supposedly far away from the larger capacity roads such as the A-7 and the A-381. The investement for the A-405 was established at €29.7 million for the stretch between the neighbouring municipalities, which is 22 kms long. Also pending is a by-pass for Jimena's Los Ángeles district that sits on the A-405, which was budgeted at €5.3 million. These two projects are in various phases of study and/or approval, and therefore subject to changes.

The third Campo project was the access to La Línea by El Higuerón (the A-383), which cost €13.31 million so far, though the extension of that road remains to be executed and awaits land cessions from La Línea Council at an estimate of €9.1million.

The remaining three projects under this plan include a by-pass to the SE of San Martín del Tesorillo (A-2102), valued at €8.10 million, according to the Department of Public Works. Also under scrutiny are variants for the A-2102 and A-2103 roads that connect the villages in the Guadiaro Valley, which have been deemed dangerous because they are narrow and carry a considerable volume of traffic, particularly those that connect Jimena and Tesorillo, and Tesorillo with San Enrique de Guadiaro.

And finally there are the 3.9 kms of the A-2103 that connects Guadiaro, Pueblo Nuevo and San Enrique with each other, for which there is not an established budget as yet because it is in the planning stage.

Note: The plan is ostensibly impacting over 60 kms of road in the Campo de Gibraltar, but being realistic, will the work be done before the end of 2013? If not, what happens to the €60 million still filed under 'Pending'?

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