Thursday 21 April 2011

Extreme Right presents candidates for local elections

Immigrant voting
ALGECIRAS (Agencies) Alianza Nacional (AN), a national ultra-right party, is presenting a list if three candidates to the local elections in Algeciras on May 22. Algeciras is the only place in all of the province of Cadiz where the party is presenting candidates. Clearly xenophobic and racist, the party has organized several anti-immigration rallies in various cities over the years. Among other items on their manifesto is the proposal of Ius Sanguinis (Blood Law), which would allow only those with Spanish blood into the country and the generalized right to carry guns at any time.Aside from the big parties and AN (a minute one), the Big Four (PP, PSOE, IU and PA) have presented their lists to the Electoral authorities. Local parties presenting are UPyD, CDL and PDMA, plus Jóvenes Algecireños Unidos (JAU).

1 comment:

Pablo Rodríguez said...

I correct you. UPyD. It is not a local party, it's a national party. It has got representation in the Nacional Congress and in the European Party