Thursday 21 April 2011

"No Andorra solution for Gibraltar," says Picardo, new leader of GSLP

GIBRALTAR (GibChronicle) A GSLP Chief Minister will never recommend an Andorra style solution for the future, Fabian Picardo declared yesterday at a party AGM in which long-standing leader Joe Bossano stepped down in his favour. Mr Picardo declared that unlike Peter Caruana, who "last year let his mask slip," he would not be willing to recommend an Andorra style solution to the people in a referendum. "No GSLP government will ever be found wanting in defending our sovereignty and in advancing our case to freely determine our political future," he declared.>
But Mr Picardo said to Spain that the GSLP is ready "to enjoy friendly relations on everything on which we can co-operate together without any sovereignty price" and maintain the trilateral forum for dialogue.

Mr Caruana is on record as saying that issues of Sovereignty and Spanish proposals in respect of the future sovereignty of Gibraltar must be raised in the trilateral forum. Mr Picardo also rejected that sovereignty is a bilateral issue as advocated by Britain and Spain or a trilateral matter as argued by Mr Caruana.

"I go one further. For us in the GSLP, sovereignty is a unilateral issue. The sovereignty of Gibraltar is neither Spain's to claim nor Britain's to give away. Our sovereignty is exclusively a matter for us."

Mr Picardo added that his predecessor Joe Bossano has not retired but just changed his role; and remains an important part of the future.

He said the GSLP would fight the general election on policies and ideas, not on mud slinging or empty promises.

"That is the politics of the past and it will be rejected by our people."

Mr Picardo also made a commitment to cabinet Government and team work, "all ministers working together to deliver an even better Gibraltar on a level playing field for business."

He also had words for the Civil Service and the people employed by the GDC.

"My message is this: respect, support for training for the future and in developing the service so that you can do your massively important jobs in keeping our public service going, and a commitment that a GSLP government will not reduce the manning levels of the civil service."

Mr Picardo also criticised that "some parts of the present management of the GHA are not fit for purpose."

He said that the GSLP had learnt from its mistakes "to emerge stronger for your future."

Mr Picardo also challenged Mr Caruana to "call an election now" arguing that Gibraltarians are "fed up of a government run by one man alone."

"Its time to change to a strong GSLP team that will stand as a team and will run government as a team."

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