Friday 24 August 2012

Too many cars? No parking? Depends on where you live

Illustration only
Prov. of CÁDIZ / Campo de Gibraltar We all want to park outside our front door. In some places we can, in others, parking is a nightmare: the tricky balance between the number of cars in any given location and the number of parking spaces is one of the most difficult, as any town planning expert or councillor will tell you. In any case, the Economy Annual 2012, published by La Caixa, has come up with some interesting figures on the subject regarding the 124,573 cars registered in the Campo in 2011.>>>PLEASE BE AWARE THAT SOON YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO READ THE REST OF THIS ITEM UNLESS YOU SUBSCRIBE. Subscription information will be available soon.>>>The national avergae is 469 vehicles per 1000 residents, but can you guess which municipality in the Campo has the most cars per 1000 inhabitants?

Yes, it's the area's richest: San Roque, whose 29,965 residents own 15,963 vehicles, or 533 per thousand.

At the other end of th scale is Tarifa, where the proportion 374 to every 1000, which puts that windy town fourth from the bottom of the list, in descending order, Algodonales, Puerto Serrano and Barbate.

The provincial average is 433/1000 and 446/1000 for Andalucía as a whole.

The people of Algeciras own the largest number of vehicles, 56,257, or 478/1000. The proportional figures put Castellar close to the top, though, with 1,517 cars for a population of 3,187 inhabitants. Los Barrios comes next, 465/1000 for 22,853 people.

There are only four cars' difference between the figures for Jimena and La Línea, or 448/1000 for Jimena and 444/1000 for the latter, with a population of 64,944 inhabitants and 28,840 vehicles. Anyone trying to find parking anywhere near the border with Gibraltar these days will wonder about that ...

The Economy Annual report by La Caixa is a compendium of statistical information that breaks down statistics by municipalities, provinces and regions for the whole country. It is aimed at giving information to businesses about the minutiae of the areas it serves.

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